I have to apologize upfront for this post. I really, really did not want to have to write this one (because I don't think it's right to be complaining about anything while in Hawaii) but Mike refused, so there we are.
Today's adventure was offroading in Lanai. We got up nice and early, hopped in the Four Seasons van and got dropped off at Dollar Rent a Car where we picked up the Jeep that Mike rented. We got the kind with the soft top, which they kindly took off for us so we could enjoy the sun while it was still out (the forecast said 40% chance of rain). And off we went. First stop, Lanai Coffee Company. We grabbed two coffees to go and were on to our next destination, Garden of the Gods. So far so good.
Garden of the Gods, as HawaiiWeb.com describes it, consists of "beautiful and unique rock formations which were formed by thousands of years of erosion in a remote canyon area. Colors of red, purple, and ochra earth and crusted lava create a striking lunar landscape. The area is mostly dry and often windy, making the unearthly rock formations even more eerie. The best time for viewing is early morning or late evening when the sun's rays strike the minerals in the rock and bring out their most dynamic colors. Axis deer and mouflon may be seen grazing on the few bits of vegetation that grows here."
That's one way to put it. I would say, imagine driving on Mars. That's how it looked to me, and driving through those craters is how I imagine it feels to drive on Mars. I'm tip-toeing around it here, but basically, if you don't care for amusement park rides, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES RENT A JEEP AND DRIVE TO THE GARDEN OF THE GODS. Yet again, Chrystalle nearly lost her breakfast. I kept my food down, but still had to make Mike stop the Jeep because my bladder was not as strong as my stomach. At least the area was completely desolate (also like Mars), so nobody saw me pee behind a rock. Oy vey. Definitely not a good look for me. Camping is not my forte. However, as you can see, the vistas were unreal. I can't honestly say that seeing those views was worth it for me, but they were incredible indeed.
Mike, being the good husband he is, saw how miserable I was and dropped me off at the resort before continuing his offroading adventure. The other pics are from his trip to see The Shipwreck, a boat which was intentionally run aground at that spot.
I spent the afternoon at the gym, which I'm sure my father-in-law is happy to hear. He thinks we're eating too much on our honeymoon and suggested NutriSystem may be worth consideration. Ouch! Then I went for a hike and Mike played his best round of golf ever (yay, Mike!).
Now we're off to catch a shuttle to Four Season's other resort on Lanai, Manele Bay, for dinner on the beach. Fortunately, the road to the sister hotel is actually paved.
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